

When no-one offered a suitable home for Posh, Animal Re-homing adopted her as one of our own "community dogs". A community of dog-loving people became her around the clock family - and boy does she make the most of it. Dog Protection Society has generously given her a home, and a network of wonderful people walk her, give her companionship and cater for her every need. Vanessa kindly continues to sponsor Posh's ongoing costs.

Posh is like a puppy at every opportunity. An exuberant lover of life and people, she bounds around as though she is a teenager, telling off other dogs and squeezing every bit of joy out of all situations. She runs through grassy paddocks, the bush, along beaches and loves to swim out and fetch sticks from streams and the ocean. This affectionate dog enjoys the company of our rescue puppy, Lutha, and it’s sometimes hard to tell who is the youngest of the two.

From lethal injection to a cosy retirement, dear old Posh has certainly found her happy ending!


When 12-year-old Posh and her caregivers moved into a better rental property, the landlord said she could stay with them – on condition that she never went into the house.

This sudden change was very distressing for Posh who had always been part of everyday life with Fran and her family…inside and out. Not surprisingly her sadness and confusion was vocalised. She looked elsewhere for stimulation, intensely watching the street and nearby homes. Posh’s barking at various activity resulted in poor relations with the neighbours and the landlord demanded that Posh must go.

Because she had seldom been taken off the property, Posh is not socialised with other animals. Adding this disadvantage to her senior years made it impossible for her caregiver to find anyone to adopt her. In desperation and when successive rescue agencies turned her away, Fran booked her lively old friend into a vet clinic for a lethal injection.


When we heard about this wretched situation, we asked Fran to urgently request more time from her landlord so we could seek foster care for her companion. The injection date was moved back a few days, but finding a fosterer who didn’t have other animals proved impossible. At that point we booked a space for Posh at our favourite boarding kennels and phoned the vet clinic. The staff were delighted when we asked them to replace the deadly appointment with a general check-up…and then welcomed Posh under our umbrella.

We have become very fond of this adventurous senior citizen. She enjoys human company of all ages (especially children from about 8 years) and her favourite pastime in the world is outings. Her tail wags furiously as she enthusiastically scrambles into our car. She will walk as long and as far as her wobbly back legs will take her. Wearing a light muzzle, she is now enjoying bushwalks, beaches, parks, shopping centres, creeks and suburbia. In isolated areas we remove the muzzle and the  extendable lead and throw sticks into the water, which Posh loves to swim out to retrieve. Her fitness is markedly improved and she is less defensive when she meets other dogs. Her second love is treats, followed by toys and playful affection.


Posh recently had a comprehensive Golden Oldies vet check-up. We are delighted to discover that her blood and urine results are normal, along with her organs and teeth. As we suspected, she has some arthritis and a couple of innocuous little warts. Posh is spayed, registered, micro-chipped, flea and worm treated. We have her on a special diet and a daily synoquinn tablet to help the arthritis in her hind legs.

We are extremely grateful to the Dog Protection Society for allowing Posh to board with them and to Nose to Tail for providing her with complimentary baths. Volunteers Gordana and Monique kindly and devotedly visit Posh between her regular off-site walks with us. Please let us know if you would also like to be part of her support team. E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are one of those special souls who is willing to offer a home to an adventurous older dog who needs to wear a light muzzle in public places, we very much look forward to your application. Financial support for future veterinary care will be available to her successful applicant if required.

Posh is a Labrador X Staffy who is currently staying in Auckland. Thank you.

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