Rabbit: Cosmo

CosmoCosmo has found a home.


Three-year-old Mini-lop rabbit, Cosmo, is a bunny who has come to love human touch and interaction. He has been with his caregivers since his birth and is absolutely adored by them.

However, due to changing circumstances, Cosmo is not getting the play and affection he longs for.


He is used to having free-ranging time in the fenced garden, time inside the house with his family (where he romps around, then lies about like a cat) and then happily going back into his large enclosure.

His cage would go with him to his new home and transport arrangements may need to be organised.


His primary caregiver, Nola, says, “Cosmo has never lived with other rabbits, and appears very happy on his own. I love him to bits. He is quite low maintenance - his main need is to be stroked and cuddled...and of course he enjoys pellets, hay, carrots, apples, a little green stuff, etc”.

If you think you can provide a safe and caring home for Cosmo with plenty of hands-on company, please contact me. He is currently living north of Auckland in Warkworth.

Please keep in mind that many dogs will kill a rabbit on sight and determinedly break into their shelters, so your property will need to be 100% dog proof.. Thank you.