Outstanding Vet Bills 1 March 2024: $6,422.20
Contributions gratefully received





Just like her name, this young lady is a beautiful Pearl - who must be stroked, cherished and valued in a new, strictly indoor home.

With an amputated hind leg, Pearl's gait is unusual, which led to the other cats in her family misinterpreting her body language, and relentlessly bullying her.

If you can offer Pearl affection galore in a secure indoor environment with no other cats, we would love to hear from you. Apartments, catios and a cat-friendly dog are welcome. Please direct inquiries and applications to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More info: https://tinyurl.com/jaa7xdj9

Thank you.
Pearl may be comfortable living with a gentle dog.

Introducing Pearl

Introducing Pearl, the cuddliest bundle of soft fur imaginable. ❤

Come back tomorrow afternoon to see what happened when she met her lovely foster Mum for the first time.

This 3-year-old girl is currently in Auckland and she craves a home with tons of affection and interaction. Once she is adopted, she will never let you go...

See you tomorrow for a surprising video clip.

Inquiries and applications to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Huge thanks to Paw Justice

Huge thanks to Paw Justice for organizing this awesome donation of cat food. ?

We kept what we needed for all of our shelter cats. Then our colony feeders and fosterers came to collect the bulk of it, and we shared the rest with other colony feeders in the community.

Special thanks also to Monty (pictured) from Angel Transport Ltd. Our driveway was too steep to bring the pallet down, so he kindly unloaded it all by hand and stacked it into our wagon. Kia ora Monty.



Generally our dog applications are from people looking for rescue dogs who are easily managed, socialized, house trained, well-adjusted, "perfect" family companions... and we do our best to fulfill their near impossible wish lists.

Once or twice a year, however, we receive inquiries from people who are actively looking to adopt a rescue dog who "needs some work".

These people have usually assisted, loved and adopted dogs with behavioural issues in the past - whether they be a fear of humans, other dogs or sounds. Or perhaps they reacted aggressively towards cats or dogs. Or maybe they guarded their food bowls, cars, toys and loved ones. They might have growled or tried to lunge at strangers, needed to be walked with a muzzle and lead, or took medication to help overcome their past trauma. Likely it was a combination of these and other unwanted traits.

These people enjoy the challenge of bringing "unadoptable dogs with issues" to a point of trust, security and safety, and to providing them with the training, love and life they have never known.

We are currently seeking dog experienced people who will foster-to-adopt our more difficult dogs. They will need to work with us (and possibly with professional trainers), and must have a sincere view to adopting them, so there are no further upheavals in their lives.


This beautiful 4-year-old Whippet X Staffy came to us with bleeding paws from being dragged along the footpath when she was afraid to go with her "caregivers". She had suffered from physical abuse and was known in her street because she ran from house to house seeking refuge.

Due to her trauma, Amber has fear, sound and trust issues and is afraid of entering unfamiliar vehicles. Our amazing volunteers have made incredible advances with her, but she now needs the stability of a routine home-life to progress further.

We are looking for a patient and kind home with an individual or people who will take time to know her, and will actively work to raise her confidence, and win her trust.

Amber needs a cat and child-free home, but could thrive in the company of a welcoming, self-assured resident dog.

Once she is relaxed with our volunteers, Amber loves to go for walks, to fetch balls and frisbees, to splash in the water or to chill in their homes with them.

This intelligent little girl is bursting with potential, eagerness and hope.

If you live in Auckland, have a fully and securely fenced & gated property and would like the opportunity to shape and adopt this nervous soul, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you. ?

NOTE: Being a no-kill rescue, we have several other waifs needing extra special foster-to-adopt homes. Inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog
trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog
trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog
trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog
trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog trouble dog

Greetings Everybody,

We've done it! It was only three weeks ago that I asked for urgent help to pay for surgery that would enable me to continue running my charity of over two decades.

Donations from 68 people have flowed into Givealittle and a private bank account from all directions... from friends, from acquaintances, from charity supporters, from our local and international volunteers, from vegan communities, from complete strangers, from adopters and adoptees, from fellow rescue agencies and colleagues, from overseas destinations, and from the efforts of a hair stylist who created a stand at her work station.

Whether you shared or pinned my plea, donated a few dollars or thousands of dollars, please know that you have made a huge difference in my life and in the lives of the current and future waifs under the umbrella of Animal Re-homing.

As I drift into sleep on the operating table at 2.30pm tomorrow, I will be smiling, and thinking of the love and support you have all wrapped around me to make this possible. I'm also extremely grateful to the kind people filling my shoes during my hospital stay and recovery. From my heart to yours, thank you my friends. ???