Featuring gorgeous Brownie

Sometimes animals come into our care who, due to medical or temperament issues, stay with us as permanent residents. Today we feature one such beauty; a cat named Brownie.

A year ago we had a call from a vet clinic asking if we would rescue a friendly old cat. Her family was moving house and took her to the clinic to be killed that day - because they didn’t want to take her with them.

We agreed and requested that her lethal injection was replaced with a comprehensive vet check. Beautiful Brownie’s thyroid levels were maintained by diet alone, but she needed a dental including extractions, flea and worm treatments, a micro-chip inserted and her clogged ears cleaned. We also discovered her front claws had been removed at some stage - a very painful surgery and recovery that is now illegal. We were tempted to change her name to Autumn because her gorgeous coat shimmers in the sunshine with browns, rusts, tans and golds.

A year later, 18-year-old Brownie is a well-loved member of our shelter family. She sleeps most of the time, her thyroid can be unstable and she has renal disease… but she has a ready purr, is warm, cuddled and safe with us for the rest of her life. Brownie’s recent medical costs for treatment of a blocked digestive tract are more than $1,000 – is anyone able to sponsor part of these costs for her please?

Donations may be made to our Givealittle page or for other methods, please visit here