Outstanding Vet Bills 1 July 2024: $6,639.75
Contributions gratefully received



Street pigeons, ranging from chicks to seniors

Rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing (or retaining) street pigeons, ranging from chicks to seniors, is a big part of our workload and cost.

We have decided to share the story of Ice.

He was begging for icecream cone scraps at Island Gelato Co on the Auckland city ferry terminal.

He was thin, and struggling to walk due to large wads of human hair tangled around his feet. With patience, we handcaught him and he traveled in our backpack by ferryboat to our North Shore animal shelter.

We gently cut away the mass of hair and debris, only to discover that a toe on each foot was without circulation and would self-amputate without intervention.

We lacked the magnifying eye glasses and fine tools to remove the deeply embedded material, so reached out to vet Steve, at East Coast Bays Vet.

Steve kindly and expertly hooked out the remaining tightly wrapped hair strands and Ice's toes were turning from white to a healthier red within an hour.

Now our task was to keep those toes clean and to build up Ice's body condition with plentiful healthy nutrition prior to taking him back to his home. See the first comment for a video clip.

Please come back tomorrow for a video of little Ice being released to his home territory after his recovery.

Many thanks to trustee, Paul, to volunteer, Nadja, and to vet, Steve, for playing crucial roles in Ice's rescue


Driven by public demand and tragic deaths, our last government introduced a ban on live animal export by sea.

Our new government is threatening to bring back that horrifically cruel trade.


Only 93 days left to sign.
Thank you.


It was heartwarming to see many of our volunteers and supporters at the recent Auckland street march to protect the live animal export ban. Marches were simultaneously in progress all over Aotearoa New Zealand.

Tragically, the current government intends to overthrow the ban and resume this horrifically cruel trade.

Animals are subject to weeks long harrowing sea voyages where many are injured, lay in their own excrement, and lose their lives. They suffer heat exhaustion and hypothermia. The whole ordeal is torture for them.

On arrival in countries with few or no animal welfare laws, the survivors suffer miserable lives and terrifying deaths.

Please revisit us for the date of the next march. Carpooling will be available from Browns Bay.



The advert below has been viewed by 35,500 people, but still dear Lily waits for a loving home. We know she has suffered deep trauma, and needs a caregiver who is willing to help her through that... but there must be someone with the willingness to work with this companionable rescued girl. We so want to bring Lily to meet them.

Details and requirements below. Thank you.


Every rescue has long-term animals in its care who urgently need the loving stability of a home. Sweet, 3-year-old Lily is one of ours.

All indications point to this Whippet x Border Collie x Staffy having been used as dogfighting bait. She has the multiple scars and the nervous temperament... and she is extremely frightened and defensive with dogs who are not behind fencing.

Lily was found emaciated and eating her own faeces... and continues to be extremely food driven.

She had run through a forest fire and had singed paw pads and whiskers when she came into our care. She was not human aggressive but was wary of people and loud noises, and constantly hypervigilant. No-one responded to her "Found Dog" adverts.

After 18 months under our umbrella, Lily is now registered, spayed and micro-chipped and is beginning to enjoy human touch. I wept the first time she pushed her head gently against my knees asking for affection... and stayed immobile with her eyes closed for 15 minutes while I petted her.

She is smart and eager to learn new tricks and has discovered that humans can be fun and trustworthy. Although she does not yet play; when she feels relaxed and happy, she loves to canter and romp with graceful, bounding zoomies... and to follow her carers about.

Intensive reward-based help from Good Dog Training has been devotedly followed by our incredible dog walking volunteers to bring her this far. Thank you so much team! ?

To blossom and continue gaining confidence and healing, Lily now needs a peaceful home with people who will continue to nurture her through her past trauma.

We are seeking a very special home and extra special people for Lily. She will need robust, tall fencing & gates, and to be free of other animals. Past dog experience and a large yard would be a bonus.

Lily is currently based in Auckland.
Please send applications to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to bringing Lily to your home to meet you. ?


Thank you.

Lily has recently learned to be comfortable around one of our rescue dogs, so it's possible she could bond with another dog-friendly dog after several supervised introductions.

Omega Plus Community Cat Coalition - Auckland Shaun

Many thanks to Omega Plus for assisting so many animal rescue charities with their much-appreciated donation of cat food.

Huge thanks also to Jewels and Haley from the Community Cat Coalition - Auckland for storing the product and organising the pick-up times.

We are very grateful to our volunteer Shaun, pictured, for providing his muscle power on the day. What a beautiful team effort for cats in strife.