Outstanding Vet Bills 07 Jan 2025: $7,421.25
Contributions gratefully received



Greetings Friends, Supporters and Followers,

I am Linda, the charity's founder/operator and need to raise $25,000 for urgent surgery. Please click on the Givealittle page below to make donations, and to learn about my injury.

The timeframe is short, and the pain is intense, so please donate whatever you are able, and please also share my post widely from our Facebook page

Thank you so much for whatever help you can offer so I may return to my animal rescue work ASAP.

If you would prefer to avoid a 5% donation loss, please donate directly to ASB account number 12-3042-0208233-00. Reference with your name and the word "Surgery". Many thanks.



This election, Auckland has an animal-friendly Mayoral Candidate. ? Voting is from 16th September - 8th October. Don't miss out! Please tell your Auckland friends.

The candidate is Michael Morris, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
www.greensoul.ac.nz, Tel. 021 064 6909

He is also a founder of a developing Animal Justice Party which will be registered for the 2023 general election. The more votes Michael wins, the more public awareness is raised about the importance of animal justice.

Michael’s official profile statement is below.

“Kia ora koutou

I am a policy adviser, scientist, teacher and vegan for the animals.

I am the only candidate representing the underclass; tormented, mutilated and cruelly slaughtered in their billions.

I also stand for environmental justice, and justice for financially disadvantaged humans. All are related.

Environmental damage disproportionally affects animals as we saw in the Australian bush fires. Animal agriculture contributes to climate change, pandemics, food insecurity and habitat destruction.

Social ills, including environmental damage and animal consumption, are worse in unequal societies. Income equality benefits all.

Policies include; free and comprehensive public transport, plant-based council functions, no lethal animal management, phasing out animal farming, no rodeo or animal racing on council property, preserving trees and biodiversity. A living wage for council staff, including contractors.

Changes to be funded by capping salaries (including my own), selling unnecessary council assets for (sustainable) development, and developer levies. No rate rises”.


Please sign this petition so animal rescues are able to continue our work across the country.

Thank you so much!


Although our Government has finally acknowledged that live animal export is cruel and causes suffering and death to hundreds of thousands of New Zealand's animals; it refuses to immediately stop this horrific trade. Shiploads of animals have already left our shores since the public admission.

Please let Prime Minister Jacinda Adern, Minister of Agriculture Damien O'Connor and Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare) Meka Whaitiri, know how you feel about our animals continuing to be abused over a two year phase-out period. Thank you.

Also, wherever you live in Aotearoa, please keep this Saturday 8th May clear in your diary from 12 noon - to peacefully protest this intended phase-out period. Details of meetup points will soon be posted.
