Outstanding Vet Bills 07 Jan 2025: $7,421.25
Contributions gratefully received


If you would like to adopt an animal, but can't find the one you are looking for, please enquire via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Not all of the creatures under our umbrella are advertised.

Please donate sacks of chicken pellets and mixed grains to help us in our rescue work. 
Please do not allow your children to raise a chick as a school Ag Day animal
Please consider establishing an all-rooster sanctuary
Please stop the habit of eating eggs

We are always in need of rooster homes where they can live out the length of their natural lifespan in peace. Roosters are among the most mistreated and unwanted animals we assist. Factory, barn and free-range egg farming systems annually cause the slaughter of billions of them at birth because they are superfluous to the egg industry; they are cruelly and illegally abandoned on roadsides, carparks and in public parks; they are killed by backyard breeders, show breeders and chicken hobbyists. Highly dependent school 'Ag Day' roosters are dumped soon after the ribbons have been awarded. In suburban or roadside areas they are tormented by the public,  killed by dogs, traffic and councils, they suffer from starvation and untreated illnesses - and cruel methods are used by poachers to capture them.

Orpie and his girls need a safe rural home

When thin Orpie (and two other hens) came into our care, her foot was so sore she couldn't put it on the ground. An appointment with wonderful avian specialist Berend at Carevets Glen Eden confirmed that no bones were broken - so plenty of bed rest and pain relief followed.

During her recovery, beautiful Orpie has reached maturity, but instead of laying eggs "she" produced a magnificent crow. This was not good news at our urban shelter. In respect for our neighbours, Orpie's indoor enclosure is wrapped in blackout curtains from dusk until mid-morning.

Orpie adores his girlfriends and, regardless of his healing leg, he rushes to flirt with them when we put him outside after a night of separation.

This lovely trio is looking for a safe, breed-free home in the countryside where Orpie can complete his recovery and where they can safely live out the full length of their natural lifespans. It must be a place where Orpie can be the only rooster in the henhouse and can show off his lovely crow without restriction. They are temporarily living in suburban Auckland.

Inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Handsome Humphrey seeks a safe rural haven

Do you have a safe haven for the abandoned rooster we have named Handsome Humphrey?

We have been gaining his trust for some time and we are soon hoping to rescue him from the risk of traffic injury and dog attacks.

He now comes running to our call and makes wonderful chortling sounds of gratitude as he picks through our food offerings.

Humphrey will be treated for worms, lice and mites before his adoption to a slaughter-free, rural property which is safe from wandering dogs, poachers and other predators.

If you would like Humphrey to be your beloved companion, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Little Chicken Flock


We thought we had an ideal home for the Little Flock when we rescued them from an urban neighbourhood. Little Rooster, Little Brown Hen and Little Black Hen were at certain risk of cat and dog attacks… and most of the humans were mistreating them. These tiny Bantams were being squirted with hoses, hit with stones and had a possum trap set for them when council contacted us for help. The lovely home that was offered for them had a huge enclosure - but it was impossible to put a canopy over it to protect them from hawks and other predators.

Not surprisingly these teeny adult birds are currently nervous of people. They are very agile and excellent flyers so they must have a fully enclosed living area. Eggs will need to be collected regularly to avoid more unwanted little roosters from being hatched.

Please contact us if you (or someone you know) would like to adopt this gorgeous trio into a safe environment. Thank you. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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When we rescued Silken and her seven bedraggled babies from an out-of-control breeding flock, they were all starving…and two of the chicks were dying. We gathered them up and kept them warm and comfortable inside until they were strong enough to be monitored in our grounds.

Happily, they have all survived and are now a picture of health. Silken and her daughters most likely have a lovely home awaiting them. However, the little cockerels in her clutch have nowhere to go once they find their crows. Roosters are the most difficult of all creatures to find caring homes for and our rooster sanctuaries are full - so we are hopeful these little ones will touch your heart.


Do you have space on your rural property for any of these male chicks? Do you have neighbours who don’t mind the sound of crowing? They will need protection from predators such as hawks, roaming dogs and human hunters. They will also need to have a source of fresh drinking water and natural or manmade shelter. If they are free roaming, it will be lovely if they can have food given to them each day in addition to their foraging.

Hens love to have a rooster in their company to offer a sense of protection and leadership. If you have a plan to stop chicks hatching out (with more unwanted roosters), perhaps one of these developing youngsters could be their man.

Please apply to adopt one or more of Silken’s friendly sons. We have become very attached to them and it will be comforting to know that they will be equally loved as their sister and mother.

NOTE: When a clutch is hatched, you can be sure that half of the chicks will be innocent males. Please don’t add to the suffering of roosters by allowing your flock to breed. Collect any eggs diligently and count your hens each night as they retire to their shelter. To watch our rooster documentary, please click here.

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To view our short rooster documentary, click here.

When an urban family adopted two tiny chicks from their rural friends, they hadn’t even considered the possibility of them being roosters.

Five months later neighbours complained to the council about the crowing. Council staff contacted me for help, but I had nowhere to put them. I offered advice to keep them quiet during the early hours of morning, so they were able to stay in their home a further two weeks.

However, the neighbours then complained about the daytime crowing, so the family sadly passed their loved pets into my care. I have named these gorgeous young cockerels Beauty and Handsome and I am grateful that they are now in short-term foster care with Bunty. Many thanks to Susie for delivering these hapless boys to Bunty.

If you would like to adopt these brothers and can keep them safe from roaming dogs and hawks, I very much look forward to hearing from you. If you have hens, you will need to have a plan in place to prevent breeding.

Please also contact me if you would consider providing an all-rooster sanctuary for 5 – 105 homeless boys. Thank you.

NOTE: If you would like to have hens as pets, please apply to adopt rescued ex-farmed hens. In the North Island, please contact The Animal Sanctuary in Matakana.

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