An act of beauty when people work together for the betterment of the vulnerable

It's an act of beauty when people work together for the betterment of the vulnerable. Our sincere thanks to Paw Justice, Royal Canin, Pixies Doggie Hotel and Mainfreight Auckland for their selfless assistance.

With literally dozens of hungry rescue dogs and puppies to feed, we reached out in desperation to our friends at Paw Justice.

Craig at Paw Justice then liaised with Royal Canin who generously donated multiple pallets of much-needed dog and puppy food.

Our incredible rescue colleagues at Pixie's Doggie Hotel then spent two backbreaking days preparing storage space at their wonderful facility.

Faced with the expense of shipping the food, we contacted transport company Mainfreight Auckland who, thanks to John's big heart, delivered the product without charge - including bringing a forklift along. Special thanks to driver, Bimal, for providing his truck for the morning.

Please support these compassionate charities and businesses. They are awesome to deal with... and they give back!

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