Animal Advocates Hui

meka-whaitiri-at-animal-advocate-hui-closeupOn Friday Animal Re-homing representatives attended the Animal Advocates Hui called for by Meka Whaitiri MP and hosted by Auckland's beautiful Manurewa Marae. (Our presentation begins at 37.59 in the video).

We sincerely hope this will be the beginning of continued dialogue and urgent action from our Government as awareness is raised and pressure is applied to stop the abysmal treatment and suffering of so many species of animal in NZ. See below:

We drew attention to animal agriculture in the meat, egg and dairy industries; the need for alternate non-animal primary industries in NZ; banning rodeo outright; legislating against the backyard breeding of any animal species - especially cats, dogs and rabbits; banning the sale of animals from pet-shops unless they are de-sexed; the urgent need for a Commissioner for Animals; banning dog BSL (Breed Specific Legislation); stopping Auckland Council's Draft Pest Management Plan as it relates to cats; the immense animal suffering and environmental damage caused by the use of 1080 poison; closing the loophole in agricultural live animal export that allows the export of animals used for breeding purposes; the culture of raising our children to be violent, apathetic and desensitized to animal suffering and the established link to family violence and criminal behaviour; animal-advocate-hui-in-front-of-manurewa-marae-meka-whaitiri-in-red-at-centre the homeless and abandoned animals (especially roosters) who suffer and die after school Ag Days, DOC promoting trophy hunting of deer; the animal suffering caused through the "Living Eggs in Schools" business; the need to raise the gun licence age and prohibit children under that age from experiencing hunting with a guardian; banning Easter Show promotion that includes parading sheep, pigs and cows through Auckland's busy Queen Street; food labeling that misleads the public about "free-range" products; holding MPI accountable when it doesn't prosecute deep sea fishing vessels breaching catch numbers and catch dumping...