Animal Re-homing Needs A Vehicle

Our dear old car has finally given up after more than two decades of loyal service. She has transported thousands of at-risk animals; she has bumped over rough landscapes to rescue geese, peafowl and chickens; she has taken carloads of volunteers to protests and rallies; she has made endless trips to various vet clinics & specialists around Auckland; she has delivered animals to their new homes up and down the North Island; she has carried food, bales of hay & equipment to fosterers, boarding kennels & catteries; she has taken us to meetings and public presentations with councils, community groups, individuals and the SPCA Cat Coalition; she has collected animal groceries and donations of food parcels; she has transported chickens, calves, pigs, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, hedgehogs, rats, mice, guinea-pigs, hundreds of ex-battery hens, peafowl, ducks, geese and many other bird species. She is worn out and we are struggling without air conditioning and other urgently needed features.

Please help us to buy a reliable station wagon to continue our animal rescue work. Huge thanks in advance to everyone who donates, posts our fundraiser on their Facebook page, requests the widget code for their website and forwards our plea to their friends, family and colleagues.