Bereavement donation put to immediate use

When Robyn’s parents passed away, she kindly made a $500 donation to Animal Re-homing on their behalf. Like her, they were great animal lovers and she knew they would be delighted to have helped out rescued animals.

Yesterday we used $378 of the money to cover the vet treatments for one of our permanent shelter cats, named Chance (pictured below). He needed a comprehensive check, worm & flea treatment, urine & blood samples taken, x-rays, an anaesthetic with fluids, medications and dentistry. The remainder of the donation was spent on special food for the hedgehogs we are rehabilitating from severe mange. (Paul and Billy are pictured below). Huge thanks to Robyn and her parents for making this possible!

We have seven other gorgeous cats who need exactly the same procedures as Chance – with some requiring additional dental extractions. Cosmo (pictured having a cuddle) is next in line for the treatments. If you are able to sponsor or part-sponsor another of our rescue animals please visit our donate page or make a donation at

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animal rehoming animal rehoming