Sign the petition to keep hens out of cages

altGive us your thoughts ... do you think it is OK to keep hens in cages as part of the egg industry? 

Our friends @StopCraddockFarms are opposing the Craddock Farms plan to build a mega factory farm that would house thousands of hens in cruel cages. Help us stop them!

Step 1: Sign the petition opposing the factory farm at:

Step 2: Write to your local supermarket requesting they stock ethical eggs. Take action for caged hens today and send a letter!

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To Whom It May Concern,

As a regular customer of your store, I was concerned to learn that the new Colony Systems for layer hens are in fact Colony Caged Systems. My concern is that you currently stock or will stock this product in the future which supports the ongoing cruelty of caging laying hens unnecessarily. This new cage system is not supported by SAFE or the RNZSPCA and you may be aware that recently the CEO Ric Odom spoke out about this saying that farms using these cages are “a backward step that flies in the face of current trends”.

I ask that you replace all of your egg suppliers who are using cages with a more humane option that uses meaningful third party auditing programs such as AsureQuality that undertakes spot checks to ensure that they are meeting high animal welfare standards.

Currently, caged products do not align with New Zealand values. There is nothing natural or humane about caged farming and it is a conflict with the perceived “100% Pure Green” image.

I urge you to seriously consider my request. As your customer and a consumer I would fully support you should you decide to remove caged produced eggs from your shelves, as would a significant number of your other customers.

Yours faithfully,
