Greetings Everybody,

We've done it! It was only three weeks ago that I asked for urgent help to pay for surgery that would enable me to continue running my charity of over two decades.

Donations from 68 people have flowed into Givealittle and a private bank account from all directions... from friends, from acquaintances, from charity supporters, from our local and international volunteers, from vegan communities, from complete strangers, from adopters and adoptees, from fellow rescue agencies and colleagues, from overseas destinations, and from the efforts of a hair stylist who created a stand at her work station.

Whether you shared or pinned my plea, donated a few dollars or thousands of dollars, please know that you have made a huge difference in my life and in the lives of the current and future waifs under the umbrella of Animal Re-homing.

As I drift into sleep on the operating table at 2.30pm tomorrow, I will be smiling, and thinking of the love and support you have all wrapped around me to make this possible. I'm also extremely grateful to the kind people filling my shoes during my hospital stay and recovery. From my heart to yours, thank you my friends. ???