November 1st is World Vegan Day and the whole month of November is World Vegan Month!

All over the world today vegans and their friends are celebrating a lifestyle choice that cherishes all animals - including the ones who other people kill and eat as food.

If you are considering this compassionate way of living, I encourage you to make a 30 day pledge to go veg. If you are not considering it, I challenge you to take the pledge. :-)

Click here to make the pledge and to obtain an informative starter kit.
Click here for the New Zealand Vegan Society website.

We created the special lunch below to mark the occasion and to celebrate the hundreds of animal lives we have saved through our choice. There is a saying that we should eat a rainbow of colours to be vibrantly healthy. Paul hasn't eaten animals for 12 years and I haven't put their flesh in my mouth for over 36 years. We thoroughly recommend this healthy, delicious and humane habit. Hope to see you at the next vegan pot luck dinner!
