Homes Needed for Bereaved Cats

It is with a heavy heart that we advise of the passing of our precious personal friend and loyal supporter Twink McCabe – TeTauri. We have rallied side by side at animal protests, made beaded fundraising bracelets together and advocated for animals at every opportunity. Twink has fostered many of our rescued ex-battery hens and cats over the years. Her cattery, Purrpetual Cattery (now closed) constantly offered a safe haven for our waifs, who settled quickly due to her gentleness and extensive cat experience.

Before she died, Twink entrusted her own beautiful fur-babies to us because she knew that each of them would be placed with just the right people to suit their individual needs and natures. Bo Peep, Jack, Romeo, Tonto and Harley are looking for very loving homes. Please contact us if you would like to be part of Twink’s cat family.

Please also e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are able to offer a spare room to foster any of our rescued felines.

Twink - generous, kind and dearly missed…

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