Huge thanks to Carla

Today we acknowledge the kindness and dedication of Carla Bryan Beardshaw for regularly growing, donating & delivering cat grass to our shelter. Grass is an essential part of a cat’s diet and, because all of our rescued cats remain indoors until they are adopted, we must provide it for them. We can never have enough... so please contact us if you are also a green fingered soul.

In 2012 Carla and her son George offered to volunteer for Animal Re-homing, so we have shared many experiences. We have been the happy recipients of her delicious vegan baking; she has transported animals and their paraphernalia; dropped food scraps in our letterbox for our various rescued birds; fed at-risk geese every day until we trapped them for relocation; fostered a rehabilitating dog and hedgehogs for us at short notice; attended rallies & protests; and helped us move a previously homeless woman and her three dogs into new accommodation - a major undertaking! (See the last photo taken when the house move was complete).

Thank you so much Carla – we recognise your very special qualities and appreciate all the assistance and support you continue to give us. You are an exceptional woman!

animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming