Knopa finally found her home after five years with us

A malnourished miniature cat turned up on a woman’s doorstep and managed to cry for help with her new-born kitten in her mouth. The kind lady took them in, named the cat Knopa and found a loving home for her baby. After five years as one of our shelter residents we had almost given up on tiny Knopa being adopted. Although she was very affectionate with us, due to her shyness she was often overlooked.

When Carol came to choose a cat it was love at first sight when she spotted Knopa. Six months later and with a newly acquired kitten for company, Knopa is finally coming out of her shell and enjoying Carol’s affectionate touch. The video clip shows Knopa and the kitten venturing outdoors for the first time. We are all ecstatic that Knopa is settling in and that love is being reciprocated. Thank you Carol for your patience and wonderful care of the girl we came to adore while she was living with us. Another happy ending!


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