Mars NZ Volunteer Day a Huge Success

When Mars NZ offered staff members Vicki, Nina, Debs, Ursula, Paul, Darren, Gerry and Steve to volunteer, we couldn’t say yes fast enough. Every year they dedicate 40 hours in the community. This year they chose us!

Among other important tasks, they managed to clean the car, walk the rescue dogs, remove the stairwell carpet & tacks, give companionship to the shelter cats, clean the windows inside & out, repair animal beds, change the kitty litter boxes, weed the property, clear an overgrown area, prepare a winter garden, fill dog-created lawn potholes, and water-blast the paths, walls, stairs, boardwalk & outdoor furniture. What a magnificent effort!

Between them they gifted their energy, expertise, DIY attitudes, sweat, patience, muddied clothes & blistered hands and gave us over 40 hours of their precious time - which made a huge difference to our animals, shelter environment and morale.

Thank you so much Team Mars NZ, we’d be glad to have you back any time!

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