NEWSFLASH: Please Help Us to Help Them


(If you are too busy to read the newsflash, please make a donation and scroll down to have your say on the future of egg production in New Zealand)


It has been almost five months since my last newsflash and during that time many beautiful creatures have been saved and their new guardians are doting on them…But many more are still in need of safe havens. Only a handful are included in this newsflash.

Thanks to our loyal supporters, our vet bill was halved following my last newsletter plea. For more details please click here and scroll down to “Update on Vet Bill Fundraising”. We still have an outstanding account of more than $3,600.00 which means animals are waiting for treatment. We have two cats and a dog needing dentistry, seven homeless cats waiting to be vet checked and neutered/spayed, three senior cats needing blood tests and a dog requiring a special diabetes diet, weekly blood testing and daily insulin injections. We also need to buy supplementary pig feed, chicken pellets, 60 sacks of kitty litter crystals, pet electric blankets, large rescue crates, wire mesh and petrol vouchers for volunteer drivers. We would greatly appreciate contributions so that we are able to continue our work with animals in strife. Click here to make your urgent donation.

Please read on and help out in any way possible… Many, many thanks. Love Linda.


b1Bree is a healthy, sweet-natured and very affectionate, 7-year-old purebred English Bull Terrier who needs basic training with a loving guardian. Sadly, when the human babies arrived, there was never enough time to exercise Bree, or to take her to obedience classes.

Bree would suit a securely fenced home where she would be included in indoor and outdoor activities, taken for daily walks and generally be treated as a priority in someone’s life. She must be the only dog in the household so that all attention will be focussed on her. Bree is currently in Auckland. For more information and pictures or to apply for her adoption, please click here and scroll down to her advert.



Due to a marriage break-up and the upcoming sale of the rural property, this family of pet Kunekune pigs urgently need a loving home. The parents, Lily and Leonard are seven years old and their son Floyd is five.

Ideally we would like them to all be adopted together, but if necessary, Leonard may be separately re-homed.They will need plenty of pasture to eat, along with commercial feed and table scraps. Fresh water must be provided each day and they will require shelter within a large, securely fenced area. It would be wonderful if their friendly natures could be maintained through plenty of human love, touch and interaction.

This lovely trio is currently in Auckland. For more information and pictures or to apply for their adoption, please click here.

NOTE: Their caregiver is struggling to provide enough food for these friendly pigs. Sacks of ‘Pig Tucker’ are $25.00. Please click here to sponsor a bag of food for them while we seek out a safe haven. Thank you.


W Springs 6Geese are at risk in an Auckland park because they are crossing a busy road. To their credit, the park staff are determined to prevent a cull and have contacted us in the hope that these fascinating birds can all be humanely re-homed in family groups.Geese graze on pasture just as well as sheep, they fertilize the land and make excellent pets and watch ‘dogs’.

Their new homes will need to provide large lawn or grassy paddock areas, fresh drinking water, natural or manmade shelter and protection from roaming dogs. Preference will be given where a pond, dam or other open body of water is available to them.

If you are able to rescue some of these geese, please apply with photographs of your property. Adoption criteria apply. For more information and pictures, please click here and scroll down.


Kitty’s heart-wrenched family are between homes and in an unstable lifestyle. kitty 3This eighteen-year-old cat has a loud meow and still likes to play and to steal the leftovers from cereal bowls. She does a lot of sleeping these days, but she also likes to chase strings and toss objects into the air.

Kitty particularly enjoys knocking pens off tables and exploring newspaper tepee shapes. She likes to sleep on human beds and to have her tummy rubbed (when she’s in the mood). If she is being ignored when she wants attention, Kitty may bite your toes. Kitty is wary of other cats since being attacked by one recently, but would be fine with a cat-friendly dog. If you can offer this dear senior citizen a kind, warm, safe retirement home and are happy to always have a litter tray indoors, I look forward to your application. Kitty has just moved from Auckland to Bulls, but unfortunately, she may soon be on the move again. For more photos of her, or to apply for her adoption, please click here.

NOTE: Before her adoption, Kitty will need an extensive vet check, blood tests and possible dentistry. Please click here to help us with these costs.


rooster4rooster1Even when they are as gorgeous as these purebred clutch-mates, finding safe homes for roosters is our greatest challenge. Most people want to eat them or use them as breeding machines and then kill or sell their offspring. Neither option is acceptable to Animal Re-homing.

If you are zoned rural and will enjoy Winston the Sussex and Churchill the Wyandotte purely for their beauty, their youthful crows and their fascinating antics, then I would love to hear from you.
These 6-month-old cockerels will need to be kept safe from dogs and if they are living with hens, you must have a plan in place to prevent breeding. These handsome boys are currently in Auckland. It would be ideal if they were adopted together, but we will consider separating them if necessary.

To read more about these buddies, to view more photographs or to apply for their adoption, please click here.


BATTERY HEN15Few people will deny that battery hen cages are a disgrace. Mainland Poultry, the biggest battery farm in the country, refused media access to the proposed new colony cage system being trialled, so NZ Open Rescue went in to investigate. In March 2012 they documented their findings in a 2 minute video clip. To view it, please click here.

The Minister for Primary Industries, David Carter, is about to announce the latest Code of Welfare for Layer Hens. To let him know that you are opposed to all cruel cage systems, please go to SAFE’S website or click here.

To have no part in the exploitation of these beautiful, lively, friendly creatures, please consider removing eggs from your diet altogether. Male chicks are superfluous to the egg industry so they are mass killed at birth all over the world - regardless of whether battery, barn or free-range egg production systems are involved. The usual killing methods are by gassing or by maceration/fragmentation – including here in New Zealand.

To read an article and veterinary comment on maceration, please click here.

WARNING: To view maceration, the standard killing method of grinding up male chicks while they are still alive, click here.


Emperor Penguin Ross SeaThe World’s Governments are meeting to decide on the fate of the pristine Ross Sea. As the nearest neighbours to this magnificent natural resource, caring New Zealander’s are desperate to keep mining, oil drilling, commercial fishing and other exploitative industries out of this Antarctic wonderland.

To join thousands of your countrymen and women in telling our Minister for Foreign Affairs that we want the Ross Sea protected, please click here.

This action is organised by Greenpeace NZ.



When three kind-hearted professionals heard that Brie needed help to get her walking again, they generously offered to sponsor her treatments. Please support these businesses if you know of anyone needing help with their animals.

  • Kath of Nose to Tail sponsors Brie’s hydrotherapy, bathing and nail-clipping needs. Click here to see photos of Brie swimming under Kath’s guidance.
  • Becky of Total Physiotherapy sponsors Brie’s physiotherapy treatments. Click here to see Brie receiving her treatments.
  • Sarah of Holistic Animal Therapy sponsors Brie’s homeopathic requirements. Sarah may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ami Dog FoodWe are delighted that Supreme Master Ching Hai heard of our work with animals and as a gesture of kindness and generosity, she has gifted Animal Re-homing with multiple sacks of AMI vegan dog food.

We have always fed the dogs in our personal care this beautifully balanced, cruelty-free food, but cost has prohibited us from also feeding it to the dogs in foster care. As a way to thank her for her benevolence, please dine at any of the Loving Hut vegan restaurants in New Zealand and around the world.

To purchase AMI vegan pet food, please contact Dawn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To visit the Facebook page, please click here.

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Film: PEACEABLE KINGDOM: The Journey Home

On rare occasions a movie is created that touches the core of our humanity. Peaceable Kingdom is one of these moving, remarkable films that can change the way we view and behave in this fragile world…and in the world of the other creatures who try to share it with us.

For a preview of this award winning feature documentary, please click here.

Film: THE CRY OF THE INNOCENT: The Voices That Can’t Speak

Fur  Skinned foxI am sure that no-one on my animal-friendly database wears fur or fur trim anymore. I have learned that even wearing fake fur can encourage others to wear the real thing. You may have friends, acquaintances and colleagues who still haven’t made the connection between fashion fur and horrific animal suffering. Please forward this newsflash to them. This documentary seeks to bring an end to one of the most abhorrent actions of humankind.

For a preview of this upcoming film, please click here.

WARNING: For a disturbingly graphic video of the Chinese fur industry, click here.


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(No circus, no rodeo, no dog or horse racing, no bullfighting, no marine mammal park, no hunting, etc)

You will laugh out loud when you see this loving father and son perform with humour, style and an irresistible zest for life. The more often you watch it, the more delightfully playful movements you will notice. Please click here…



vetPlease remember our huge vet bill and click here to help us out. Thank you.