Phew! Pesque is safely in foster care

Remember the beautiful pig named Pesque?

In our last post we had finally found him a wonderful home on the outskirts of Wellington with two rescued sows for company - and were searching for a stopover haven near Auckland for his neutering and recovery.

To see the post click here

When nowhere suitable was found, The Animal Sanctuary kindly offered to foster him for us as a last resort – and we gratefully accepted. We are delighted to report that Pesque has now been neutered and will stay at the sanctuary for a month until he is no longer fertile. The sanctuary generously sponsored the cost of his surgery.

Huge gratitude to Shawn and Michael for fostering him and to Amanda and Kevin for keeping him protected and loved until then. Kevin so adores Pesque that he travelled with him from the Far North and is staying at the sanctuary to settle him in. We look forward to transporting Pesque to his final home in mid-June and hope Kevin is able to accompany us there. Watch this space…

NOTE: Video credit to The Animal Sanctuary. Within days of his neuter surgery, Pesque is shown taking a walk with Kevin.