PLEASE HELP - Our diabetic boy is in emergency care

We must quickly raise $2,000.

To make an instant credit card donation: Click here

To make an online transfer or counter donation: 12 3059 0650626 00
(Please reference with your name and "Cosmo")

Tonight gentle Cosmo is on an intravenous drip and fighting for his life as the emergency vet struggles to stabilise his blood glucose levels.

The bills for Cosmo's intensive overnight monitoring and then his recovery at our local vet will be over $2,000. We urgently need your help to meet these costs.

Cosmo is a permanent resident at the shelter due to his heart condition and diabetes. We rescued him from a lethal injection four years ago and he has become a cuddly and beloved pet of Animal Re-homing Charitable Trust and volunteers.

Please donate whatever you can. Many, many thanks in advance.

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