Thanks to our supporters, Animal Re-homing has a new vehicle

Woohoo! Animal Re-homing is the proud owner of a bright red 2009 Ford Mondeo station wagon! We are now busy outfitting the vehicle to meet the special needs of our rescue animals.

Almost 200 animal-lovers dug deep into their pockets to ensure that we could continue our work rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing animals in strife. Since January the Givealittle barometer steadily crept towards our $20,000 goal while other donations arrived in our account and post office box. Then the fabulous Pedigree Adoption Drive joined in and, through that, we have finally been able to secure the vehicle.

We sincerely thank everyone who helped us with this ambitious fundraiser, including some lovely children who raided their moneyboxes. Extra-special thanks to Hilda and Eric (pictured below) who initially purchased the car and immediately loaned it to us so we could continue our work while our fundraising efforts were in progress.


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