Sue is absolutely delighted to be one of the guardian angels for rescued dog  Biggles.

She wanted to show her appreciation for our work with animals in strife so has come up with a generous initiative that sees her baking up a storm. Her doggy treats are being handed out at parks, beaches and bushwalks around Auckland to raise awareness and funds for us. Whether or not your dogs are gifted with Biggle’s treats, please support Sue’s hard work and dedication with a donation referenced BIGS. Many thanks in anticipation. The wording on her flyer is below. Huge gratitude to Sue, Biggles and his guardian angels.

Biggles Gives Back

I hope your dog friend enjoys these treats. I’ve baked them to give away to raise awareness and support for Animal Re-homing.

Biggles was abandoned or lost on the North Shore but was under a lucky star when he invited himself into the right home. Animal Re-homing was contacted. Despite extensive advertising and searching, his owners were not found. Now Biggles has permanent guardians, is loved by a number of us and will live out his days happy and secure.

Animal Re-homing is a registered charitable trust (CC50451) dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of animals. Some people are neglectful and cruel to our friends. Thank goodness Animal Re-homing works at the other end of the scale, putting in tireless effort, time, love and money into re-homing. This often involves rescue, vet treatments, rehabilitation, assessment, re-training, medications, feeding, fostering, boarding, exercising, bathing etc until new respectful guardians are found.

I want to help Animal Re-homing to save more animals like Biggles who have not lived the charmed life that we give our pets and I hope you will donate to this cause.

See the website  You might even find a friend who deserves you as their second chance.

You can do this:

  • Online transfers or counter donations may be made to Animal Re-homing bank account 12:3059:0650626:00 with ASB Browns Bay
  • Credit card donations may be made via the website
  • Post a cheque to Animal Re-homing, PO Box 35-298, Browns Bay, Auckland 0753
  • See a wish list of items on the website that you may be able to donate

Please reference your donation with BIGS so I know how this initiative is going and whether I should keep baking. Sue.

UPDATE: Biggles Gives Back raised over $400. Huge thanks to Sue, the donors and all the volunteers who handed out dog treats around Auckland. You did Biggles proud!