Thank you so much PETstock!

A big thank you to PETstock Constellation Drive!

Since it opened in Mairangi Bay it has been the go-to store for most of our animal supplies, so we were delighted when the management invited us to hold an ‘Adoption and Awareness Day’ at their premises.

Armed with flyers and posters of our many homeless dogs, cats, rabbits, hedgehogs and chickens - and with our sweet young rescue dog Vernie representing them - we spent many happy hours with their friendly customers. Although he was cuddled, tummy-rubbed and loved by shoppers of all ages, no-one offered beautiful big Vernie the home he so needs. Click here to learn more about Vernie.

We are so grateful to our brilliant volunteers Imogen, Maggie, Onjoli and Gemma for making the day such a success!

vernie vernie vernie vernie vernie vernie