Update on Rusty

Remember Rusty, the skeletal cat who we finally rescued near the rubbish dump?

This incredibly affectionate boy has been with us for 18 days now and has had two vet visits. We can confirm that he is a neutered male - sadly, without a micro-chip.

It took gentle abdominal massage and three days of very wet, very small meals before his bowels began to work. Either they were completely and utterly empty or they had closed down in readiness for his death.

Considering his height and length, Rusty is severely underweight at just 2.5kg. He has needed two lots of subcutaneous fluids to help with dehydration, a B12 injection, a strong worm tablet, treatment for a sebaceous cyst and plenty of prescription food to help with suspected kidney disease. His gentle responses during vet procedures are beautiful to observe.

We've given him a soft warm sponge bath, cleaned his dirt encrusted eyes and ears; and given him as much love as we can - considering he is looking for cuddles 24/7. He especially loves to have his front paws held while he snuggles in.

When he is stronger, Rusty will have bloods and x-rays taken and have a dental treatment. Meanwhile our role is to give him the loving home-care he has so sorely needed. We hope we are not too late.

If you are able to help us with Rusty's vet costs, please visit: Click Here

Rusty's original post: Click Here

Our advert for Rusty on Pets on the Net: Click Here