The response to my plea for help with Animal Re-homing’s vet bill has been just wonderful. Thank you so much to everyone who dug deep to help out. In addition to donations, the Trade Me auctions have raised $965.00. Many thanks to George for donating four of his beautiful handcrafted dog sculptures for this purpose. Thank you also to Anne, Ems, Carol and Karen for their winning bids. To purchase sculptures of your own, please contact George at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. erin fundraising

So far, I have been able to pay exactly $3,000.00 to Forrest Hill Vet Clinic which leaves almost $3,000.00 currently outstanding. This feels a lot more comfortable than owing almost six thousand dollars - but if any of you would like to rattle a donation bucket (see photo of Erin) or have other ideas to further reduce the bill, it would be very much appreciated. I recently rescued a Bichon Fris (see photo of Joey below) who was facing a lethal injection. His delighted new caregiver is organising a gold coin afternoon tea at her workplace. Many thanks Kathleen!

Brie the Golden Lab has just celebrated her 12th birthday. She enjoyed a special outing and food treat, and to mark the occasion, my dear husband custom-built a gently sloping ramp to assist her passage in and out of the house. Brie is pictured encouraging his construction efforts. Her blood sugar levels were perfect this week – fingers crossed they have finally stabilised.

Chance has recovered beautifully from his urethral surgery thanks to the expertise of his operating surgeon, Kevin O’Meara. This sweet boy has now had his sutures removed and is showing all the signs of being a very happy and healthy puss. The relief from repeated irritation must be the reason he is suddenly leaping on to benches and shelves, smooching and purring non-stop. The photos taken today show him waiting for his dinner and with his friend Milly. [Milly and her four colony mates were living on the large property of an old man. When he passed away, his sons came with guns to shoot the untouched cats. Thankfully we were alerted and the sons allowed us to trap the cats. We had nowhere to relocate them and TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) wasn't an option, so Milly, Princess, Handsome, Poncho, Trouble and two tiny kittens all came home with us for taming].  

With gratitude for your loyal support,

Love Linda

paul entrance  joe bischon1

chance millie chance millie2