Huge thanks to the kind-hearted people who donated towards Onyx's facial surgery. You are simply amazing! To read about his injury, please click on this link:


To the point of exhaustion, we have tried to find accommodation for he and his dad, but have been disappointed at every turn... due to Onyx being a big boy at 37kg.

Tomorrow, Onyx will be sedated and have his stitches removed. He needs to urgently be reunited with his dad, as neither of them are coping without one another. Due to his crying, Onyx can no longer remain in our care. Please read the urgency in our fundraiser below, and help us to buy a van for them to live in as quickly as possible.

Please click on the photo of Onyx below to donate to our Givealittle page and receive an instant receipt.

To avoid the 5% service fee, you may prefer to donate directly to Animal Re-homing at ASB Account number: 12 3059 0650626 00 (Please reference your gift with your name and with the words "Onyx Van"). Thank you so much!