Visit to Torbay Brownie Unit

Brownie leader, Lauren, invited us to visit her Torbay Unit to help the children earn their Animals Badge. She wrote, “I completely understand if you're too busy - but we are keen to support a local organisation if possible, making our girls aware of your work and helping out in the way of any service that we could do - bringing along food or items to donate, etc”.

A delightful group of Brownies, leaders and parents greeted us when we arrived with one of our homeless pups, Vernie. A lively, interactive talk followed with plenty of questions and comments. Vernie was extremely happy to be petted by every child (and adult) in the room.

The children kindly donated pet food and some of our books and bowls were purchased. After the talk we were spoilt with flowers and beautiful handmade thank you cards.

We hope the Torbay Brownie Unit will continue to support our work with animals in strife. We heard talk of a bake sale…
animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming animal rehoming