WOO-HOO! Jenny is back

It was such a huge relief to collect our missing rescue dog from Auckland Council Animal Shelters today. Thankfully, last night someone found her, phoned Animal Control and Jenny was taken to the safety of the Silverdale Animal Shelter.

The staff had given her excellent care overnight and Customer Services Coordinator, Ruve, was delighted to return her to us. It's a public service that really works! Thank you council.

Jenny is now back with her lovely fosterers and we can all breathe out again. Meanwhile her 15-year-old lifetime housemate, Rory, found his way back to their fosterer through social media. These sweet senior citizens will be looking for a retirement home when they have completed their comprehensive vet checks and had a second groom. Please spread the word.

Huge thanks to everyone who sprang to action searching the streets until midnight and again early this morning, making posters and phone calls, bombing social media, etc. We are also very grateful to Petsonthenet.co.nz, NZ's nationwide database for lost and found pets for giving Jenny high visibility on its website.

Original "MISSING" post: https://www.facebook.com/animalrehomingnz/posts/808591105990387

NOTE: This is a reminder to us all to inform visitors and tradespeople that they need to take extreme care that our animals don't leave our properties during the time they are there.

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